Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Aaaand, we're back!

3- Nice little blue manicure that matched nicely with the Caribbean Sea and all my outfits worn during my Cuba trip
4- *SHAME*

Ooook, so it's been a while.

My motivation to write here (and to respect my resolutions) had taken a hike the last month or so. I have excuses, but then again, don't I always? The point of the blog was to try and STOP making excuses.

So recap: by the end of Feb, BF and I had found a condo that was interesting and which we bought. Squee!! Since then, I've been running around, planning the move, taking care of official paperwork, securing a mortgage, calling service providers (BF called the power corp in between two bouts of constant nagging for me not to forget to call the cable and internet guys...) and purchasing a ton of stuff. Wallet's pretty empty right about now... But now, we're all moved in, mostly unpacked and things are good. I no longer have to put up with a 4h commute, it's 45 min door to door, including a nice little sardine metro ride but that means I have the metro at the door, which is AWESOME. I'm Freeeeeee!

On the work front, the last few weeks have proved slightly hectic, what with all the dept going on vaca, one advisor at a time. Glad we had the replacement lady, she kicks ass. As usual, I'm still too nice with customers, wasting a lot of precious time on people that will not bring in anything and being too diplomatic to tell them "Well, you spent your school money on a trip to California... and now you want another loan to pay for school expenses?" Not all of them are like that, but I know I need to work on how to say a final "No" with the customer still in the office. Will save a lot of time. Boss Lady also has a whole new set of expectations, and I need to work on meeting them all. After my own vaca. Which is why I finally have the time to write in here.

Last week was spent in Cuba, and I did nothing other than lying on the beach or around the pool, reading It by Stephen King. I did my best to blot out everything from my mind, and only concentrate on enjoying myself and relaxing. I also lost BF's beach towel, it flew off our 3rd floor balcony while it was drying, so now I have to buy him a new one...

Prior to our departure, I gave myself a good kick up the arse and painted nails and toenails with my super resistant polish, so that it'd look good and not chip off after 2 days. It stayed perfect up till 2 days before we were due back, so I was happy.

Food front: Trips are never good for the weight, especially ones where food and drinks are all included. So I'm back to square one (feels like I haven't really left it yet anyways). But I now have a new tool in my arsenal: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/ Ava found it and since she's motivated, it's motivating me to move forward as well. I've become her MFP friend. Hopefully, we'll get to keep each other in check and encourage each other. I really need to find something to do though, and someone to do it with. Frisbee, badminton, anything.... I fucking hate the gym. I know there's no "miracle" solution, nothing that'll get me back to 140-5 by tomorrow, that it takes time, but DAMN it feels so fucking hard having to wait.

Suppose it's time I get off here and start moving around. At least, it'll burn off some calories.

Will write some more later. Yes, I WILL.