Monday, January 2, 2012


1. Leave my thumb alone
2. Get weight down to 145-150 lbs
3. Take better care of myself and my appearance
4. Get back to writing

Consider this my personal version of Bridget Jones's Diary. Except, starring me, instead of Bridget. Shouldn't be all that different I figure, considering how my mom can be...

So here are my New Year resolutions for 2012. Figured if the end of the world does come, it'll be nice to know I've managed to accomplish something. Hm... though then might be mightily pissed if for once, was on the right track getting my life to how I want it to be.

1. When I was a kid, I used to chew on my fingernails. At one point, I ran out of fingernails to chew. So, out of boredom and a lack of suitable-length fingernails, I began playing with the skin around the nails. I picked at my skin so much, that eventually all my fingers looked like a 2-color version of those red-white-blue popsicles. Over the years, I've managed to cut back on my finger abuse. And now, at 26, the one finger I can't seem to leave alone is the thumb on my left hand. And now since my mom, my boyfriend, my friends, my co-workers AND my boss have taken it upon themselves to make me stop, I figured I might as well give it a real shot. Don't laugh: I swear it's as hard as quitting smoking (though I never smoked, I'm pretty sure that's how smokers feel!)

2. I've never been thin, and I never will be and I've decided I wasn't gonna psychotically obsess over it anymore. I, however, have once been thinner, and thus would like to get back to that weight where I felt comfortable in my own skin.

3. In the past, I've thought this would only be to make my mom stop her near constant nagging, though recently, I came to realize I'd like to look nicer too. By looking nicer, I actually mean the following: have painted nails, wear a bit of make-up, update my wardrobe and not wait till I look like a grizzly bear to wax certain strategic parts of myself (plus, can you say OOOOOOOW?) I've always been more of a tomboy, slightly lazy about it too since it never mattered much to me before, but I have a friend, Kari, who's a master girly-girl (ok, she might be a little too fashion obsessed for my tastes, but she always looks great) and I've started thinking more about her way of seeing how she "suits up", and started to see the good points in her philosophy.

4. Getting back to writing is why I've started this new blog. I've been writing ever since I became a fanfiction addict in highschool, through college, uni, and when I was in Japan, but since I've well and truly entered the "workforce", writing has sort of taken a hike. And I miss it. Plus, Ian is always writing since he's taking college classes for creative writing and I keep reading his stuff and it makes me miss it even more. So for this blog not to turn out to be one long ass post every 2 months, here's my complete resolution: Write a minimum of one post a week, updating you with how I'm doing, keeping my New Year's resolutions. This should (WILL, dammit!) culminate in minimum 52 posts for the year, hopefully a bit more!

So here it is, the important stuff at least. Cuz there's also a million tons of things I'm hoping I'll accomplish by the end of 2012, like: being more comfortable at my job (i.e: reconciliating my ethics with the new views and policies, for example);
finding a condo;
spending less on unimportant things (already not too bad at that one I'd say!);
learning to cook new stuff (and using the 4 recipe books I got for Xmas in the process);
seeing friends more often;
going out more often (and not leaving at 11PM cuz I'm too tired);
and spending less time/money in restaurants (counter-productive to resolution #2, learning to cook and spending less).

So here it is, wish me success! And I hope you'll stick to whatever resolutions you have taken!

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