Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Small miracles

1- Skin is mending sloooowly. Must. Resist!!!
2- Huh... all that splurging during the Holidays and I'm ONE pound heavier?
3- Manicure still holding (though might be time for a new coat of polish)
4- Keeping up!

First day back at the gym, 320 calories burned on the treadmill (or whatever that machine making you walk/run in the air is called). Was insanely relieved when I stepped on the scale and it revealed that all the junk ingurgitated during Christmas time had mysteriously vanished!Might help that I've been eating lots of fruits and trying to limit my calorie intake (i.e: trying to stop eating chocolates and leftover desserts from the Holidays.) Still, I didn't quite expect that small miracle!

Other than that, nothing very interesting happened. Couple customers today, nothing too out of the ordinary.

Boss lady is back and when I went in to discuss a case, she spent the first 10 minutes of our meeting showing me condos in her neighborhood. She's a good boss, but I still find it weird that she's trying to get me to move to her area... Still, some of the places she showed me looked promising.

And as we got back home tonight, mom also told me she had found some new constructions said to be available around March 2012. Time to go look at those!

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