Friday, January 6, 2012

Humble beginnings

1- Leave thumb alone: pretty not bad!
2- Get down to 145-150 lbs: meh.
3- Take better care of myself: Painted nails, wheeee!
4- Get back to writing: hey, here after 4 days!

Getting back to work always does a number on the thumb. Plus, was expecting mass hysteria to greet us after 4 days we were closed but in reality, got to work to an almost empty waiting room. Figured things would pick up and.... they never did. Not that I truly mind the no customer thing, but boredom can be quite dangerous to my first resolution of the new year. Having nothing to do makes me play with my thumb almost unconsciously, and many a time I woke up from spacing out with my thumb between my teeth. Still, for a first week, I managed ok - yes, relapses happened, that's why it's a resolution! But on the whole, my thumb is a lot less red than at Christmas.

The good thing about the thumb is improvement can be seen after just a few days. That doesn't happen with a diet. (No, no, diets are bad! Must not think of it as a diet, must think of it as changing one's habits to a healthier lifestyle!) Anyways, tons of things have kept me from resolution #2, such as Mr X and his girlfriend Cat leaving for their road trip to Vegas, and thus invinting us to Toyo's, delicious Japanese style restaurant, where we ate entirely too much terriyaki chicken and fried rice. (Also, Toyo's is terrible on the wallet, but hey, I did get to spend more time with friends!) To make matters worse, theirs was a last minute invite, and I had already made dinner plans for Thursday night with Oni-san at my favorite sushi place (Do not look at credit card bill until paycheck has been deposited.) And tonight, BF decided that he had a McDonalds craving.... (at least, he paid AND we had coupons...) Tomorrow's bound to be just as bad, as we have another engagement, this time with BF's family at a buffet. On the upside, I did bring my lunch everyday this week! That must count for something, no??? Oy....

Before our Toyo dinner, had decided that going out with friends I hadn't seen in a long time deserved I prioritize resolution #3! So I painted my nails with some sea-green nail polish and it looked spiffy! Looking back I should have washed my hair again, since if I don't wash it every fucking 1 1/2 day, it is untamed everywhere, except for the bangs that are terribly flat, grrrr. Also, wore a cute outfit of trendy jeans and a nice shirt with a camy under, but I still felt fat. Meh. Please let me stop being sick so I can get back to the gym, at least a little!!! Dressed up nice for my first day back at work and wore eyeliner, still sporting my nail polish that hasn't even chipped up till now. However, that kinda took a hike after the first day back, since at night, back home, I detected the first signs of a bladder infection. There's nothing like being sick to make you not respect your resolution to look nice: you want comfy clothes cause you're in pain and you don't give a shit if you look like shit cause you feel like it too. Mercifully, only spent 30-45 minutes at the clinic, and walked free with a prescription for antibiotics that is renewable. Thank you Jesus!

So I've survived the first week, my wallet is a little worse for wear but hey, I've spent some good times with friends and that's worth something. ...ok, I bought ear pompoms for much more than they should be worth, but they look nice and fashionable, (and they're warm!) so I don't regret it. Yet.

Estate agent's outta town, so no news on the condo front. Got back to work so little time to practice cooking skills (commute takes around 3-4 hours per day, temporary situation, rest assured... though how semi-permanent the temporary situation is still has to be determined.)

Still, the year's brand new. Lots of room to keep improving. ...yup!

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